CO2 leaks are extremely dangerous, especially considering how widely CO2 is used . Businesses must ensure their CO2 systems are up to date and installed correctly. Detecting CO2 can be challenging without an alarm, as it's both invisible and odorless.
Alarm systems usually include a "pre-alarm" set at 1.5% CO2 concentration, allowing service personnel to fix the issues before levels become toxic. If Co2 levels reach 3%, it becomes an emergency and the fire department must be called.
It's crucial for your business to have a CO2 system equipped with 4 alarms. The first is an instantaneous alarms at 5,000 ppm, the second is a permissible expsoure limit of 5,000 ppm as a time weighted average, the third is a 1.5% short-term exposure limit, and the fourth is a 3% limit at which evacuation and emergency services are required.
CO2 systems are necessary to prevent accidents and costly leaks. Watch the video to learn more about the dangers of CO2 and how to begin setting up your own LogiCO2 system.
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